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Golden Frog Launches Breakthrough Online Privacy Protection, VyprVPN
TODO ?>GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS—December 18, 2009— Golden Frog, the global software developer focusing on Internet applications, today announced the release of its debut service, VyprVPN. VyprVPN is a Personal Virtual Private Network (VPN) that protects online privacy through a secure, encrypted connection to the Internet. VyprVPN guards against data snooping and identity theft at home and on the road, including public Wi-Fi hotspots, smartphones, and broadband Internet.
“VyprVPN delivers a level of privacy protection unavailable with traditional Internet security software,” says Mike Smith at Golden Frog. “VyprVPN shields your private and sensitive information in transit, after it leaves your computer. Firewalls and other traditional Internet security software only protect the data that lives on your computer, not the data you send and receive online.”
Unlike other online privacy services that only protect web browsing, VyprVPN encrypts all online communication (web browsing, emails, Usenet newsgroups, instant messages, VoIP, social networking, etc.). VyprVPN works by “scrambling” online traffic as it travels through an Internet service provider (ISP) to VyprVPN servers, making it impossible for eavesdroppers to see what’s transmitted.
The release of VyprVPN comes amidst rising public concern about data monitoring and collection activities of ISPs, websites, and other intruders. The European Commission is currently reviewing European Union rules regarding ISP monitoring of customer traffic. And this month, the United States (U.S.) Federal Trade Commission held a conference to discuss online privacy standards, and network-based behavioral advertising.
The increased use of public Wi-Fi networks also precipitated VyprVPN’s development. According to the Wi-Fi Alliance, most wireless networks in public areas and hotspots like coffee shops, airports, and Internet cafes are insecure. “If security is important, a VPN is best when connecting,” the Wi-Fi Alliance website suggests.
“We’re very sensitive to the privacy and security issues our customers face online today,” says Smith. “Golden Frog is dedicated to providing them with the tools they need to protect themselves from attempts to intercept and share their personal information.”
About Golden Frog
Golden Frog is the global software developer of Internet applications focused on reliability, performance, and security. We care about the Internet and create superior software and services that help people access its full potential. Our debut release is the breakthrough online privacy protection service, VyprVPN. VyprVPN provides a secure, encrypted connection to the Internet; a solid layer of privacy protection unavailable with traditional Internet security software. Learn more about Golden Frog at .